Going over each trigger for job related email templates and also reviewing how to set up an email template for jobs.
Note: If an email template is not appearing in email templates but is sending, this means it is a default email template. To edit it, you will need to add it. By adding it, it will overide the default email template.
To create an email template:
1. Click MORE on the menu tab
4. Give the template a name- this is for you to refer to the email template. Example for booking confirmation going to a client, you could name the template. Client booking confirmation.
5. Audience will be JOB
6. Trigger: This will depend on which email you want to send it to. There is a breakdown below of each template.
7. After you select your trigger, enter in your subject line
8. Once you put in your subject line, enter in the body of the email.
NOTE: When adding in your email you can use the insert profile field button to auto populate information from the job, client profile, or candidate profile.
You can also use the tags to auto populate information that is related to the job. They are listed below the body of the email
9. Once you have typed out your email you can adjust if you want it to go to certain locations, types, languages, who the reply email is from, if you want to CC or BCC someone by default.
10. After you have completed, hit create.
1. Status Change Notification
This trigger is for shift jobs.
When you select this trigger, you will then need to select who it will be going to. Either the Filler or the Poster. Filler is the candidate and Poster is the client.
Then select the status you want to send it to them
Note: If you want it to go to them when assigned, you will need to use the Booking Confirmation trigger, not status change.
2. Placement Job Status Change Notification
This trigger is to send to when you change the status of a placement job.
When you select this trigger, you will then need to select who it will be going to. Either the Filler or the Poster. Filler is the candidate and Poster is the client.
Then select the status you want to send it to them
3. Placement Job Broadcast
This will be your template for when you broadcast a shift job.
4. Bulk Email Placement Job Applicant
This trigger is related to this article: Email candidates who have applied to a placement job.
You are able to bulk update candidates that have applied to a placement job. This is a great way to update them all at once.
5. Shift Job Broadcast
This will be your email template when you manually broadcast a shift job. This is not for auto broadcast but for when you go to a shift job and click broadcast.
6. Placement Job Bulk Broadcast
If you want to broadcast more than one placement job, this will be your template to use.
7. Shift Job Bulk Broadcast
When you want to broadcast more than one shift job at once, you will use this template.
NOTE: make sure to use plural tags such as [[joblinks]] If you use a singular tag, it could make the template not work. This includes using a tag in the subject line as well.
Here is how to bulk broadcast
8. Candidate Booking Confirmation.
When you assign a candidate to a shift job, this will be the template. This is not when a candidate accepts a shift job, but this is when you manually assign a candidate.
For this template: You can have different templates for each shift job category. When you select the trigger you can select which category. If it is for all of them you can leave it blank
9. Client Booking Confirmation
After you assign a candidate to a job, this is the email that will go to the client. This is not when a candidate accepts a shift job, but this is when you manually assign a candidate.
For this template: You can have different templates for each shift job category. When you select the trigger you can select which category. If it is for all of them you can leave it blank
10. Client Self Booking Confirmation
If you have the setting on to allow clients to pick from candidates who have marked interested in their shift job this is the email template that will get sent to the client once they select someone.
For this template: You can have different templates for each shift job category. When you select the trigger you can select which category. If it is for all of them you can leave it blank
11. Shift Updated Candidate Notification
If you update the shift job or a client updates the shift job, this will inform the candidate who has been assigned to the shift job that there has been an update.
12. Shift Job Accepted Candidate Notification
If you are using the setting to allow candidates to accept or decline a shift job, if they accept this will be the template.
13. Shift Job Declined Candidate Notification
As an admin if you go to a shift job, view who has marked interested, if you select decline, this is the email template that will be sent to them.
14. Shift Job Accepted Client Notification
If you have the setting turned on to allow candidates to accept or decline and a candidate accepts, this is the email that will be sent to the client.
15, Shift Job Declined Client Notification
When using the setting to allow candidates to accept or decline and a candidate declines, this is the email that will be sent to the client. This will only send if you have the setting turned on to have clients get an email if a candidate declines.
16. Shift Job Report Client Notification.
If you have the setting turned on to have candidates submit a shift job report after their shift job and the setting is set to send clients an email. This is the template that will be sent to them.
Here is the setting related to shift job report.
17. Shift Job Mark as Completed Client Notification
When the setting is turned on to allow candidates to mark a shift job as completed, rather than clock in/out. This is the email that will get sent to clients.
18. Shift Job Accepted Admin Notification
If the setting is set to allow candidates to accept or decline a shift job, if they accept this is the email being sent to admin.
19. Shift Job Status Change Admin Notification
If you want your admin to get notified of a status change for a shift job, this will be your email template.
20. Shift Job Auto Assigned Admin Notification
This email template is for if you have auto assign on. That setting is for when you have jobs being automatically assigned by the dashboard, not admin or client.
21. Shift Job Interested Admin Notification
When a candidate marks interested in a shift job, this is the email the admin will get
22. Shift Job Maybe Interested Admin Notification.
If a candidate marks maybe interested in a shift job, this is the template admin will get.
23. Shift Job Cancelled Admin Notification
When a client or candidate cancels a shift job, this is the email template that will go to admin.
24. Shift Job Interested Client Notification.
If you have the setting on to have clients get an email when a candidate marks interested in their shift job, this is the email they will get.
25. Shift Job Unassigned Candidate Notification.
If you unassign a candidate from a shift job they were assigned to, this will be the template they receive.
26. Shift Job Unassigned Client Notification
When you unassign a candidate from a shift job, this is the template the client will get to be notified that the candidate has been unassigned from that shift job.
27. Shift Job Candidate Reminder
If you have the setting to send reminders to candidates about an upcoming shift job, this will be the email template. Here is more information regarding that setting.
Make sure to use [[notifyhours]] for notify hours before starting job. This tag will auto populate the number hours prior.
Here is setting for shift job reminder for candidates
28. Shift Job Client Reminder
For the setting to notify clients to remind them of an upcoming shift job, this will be the template. Here is more information regarding that setting.
Make sure to use [[notifyhours]] for notify hours before starting job. This tag will auto populate the number hours prior.
Here is setting for shift job reminders for clients
29. Unfilled Shift Job Client.
If a shift job has been unfilled and the setting is turned on to inform the client the shift job has not been filled yet, this will be the email template
30. Shift Job Click In Reminder
This is the template to remind candidates to clock into their shift job if they have not done so yet.
Here is how to turn on this setting
31. Shift Job Clock Out Reminder
If a candidate has not clocked out of their shift job and the setting is turned on to remind them to clock out, this will be the template to send to them.
Here is how to turn on this setting
32. Shift Job Tipping Notification
For this template after you select the trigger you will need to select who you want it to send to, either the candidate or client. Filler is candidate, Poster is Client. This will be an email sent after a client has left a tip.
33. Shift Job Status Reminder
This is where you can send an email to either the candidate or client if a shift job has been in a shift job status for X period of time. You will need to select the email destination, which is either the candidate or client. Then select the status and enter in how many hours to send when the shift job has been in that status for X period of time.
34. Payment Information Poster Reminder
If a client has not put in their payment yet for the shift job they have submitted this template will send to them to remind them to put in their payment information. The setting has to be turned on to have this email sent.
35. Placement Job Application Status Reminder.
This is where you can send an email to either the candidate or client if a placement job has been in a shift job status for X period of time. You will need to select the email destination, which is either the candidate or client. Then select the status and enter in how many hours to send when the placement job has been in that status for X period of time.
36. Application Status Change Candidate Notification
When you match a candidate to a client, and you update that status, this will be the email template that will send to that candidate. Such as Hired, Under Consideration, Interested, etc.
37. Application Status Change Client Notification
When you send a candidate to a client, the status you update it to, this will trigger the email to be sent to the client. Once you select this trigger you will need to select a status.
38. Automatically Broadcast New Shift Job
If this setting, is turned on to auto broadcast a shift job, this will be the email template.
39. Automatically Broadcast New Shift Job To Favorite
When the setting is turned on to auto broadcast to favorites, this will be the email that the favorites get.
40. Automatically Rebroadcast Shift Job
If you have the setting set to rebroadcast a shift job, this will be the email template that will be sent out.
41. Notification of New Back Up Care Assistant Jobs
This email template is related to backup care/corporate jobs. If the setting is turned on to alert candidates of a new back up care shift job, this will be the email template.
42. Bulk Assign Candidate Confirmation
This is related to shift jobs. If you select more than one shift job date and assign it to a candidate, it will combine all the dates into one email template, which is this template. This email goes to the candidate you assign the shift jobs to.
Here is how to bulk assign
NOTE: Make sure to use plural tags such as [[joblinks]] or [[jobdates]]
43. Bulk Assign Client Confirmation
This is related to shift jobs. If you select more than one shift job date and assign it to a candidate, it will combine all the dates into one email template, which is this template.
This email will go to the client.
NOTE: Make sure to use plural tags such as [[joblinks]] or [[jobdates]]
44. Complete Associated Bookings Client Notification
If a candidate is assigned to multiple shift jobs for one client and the setting is set to alert the client once the candidate has marked completed for all of them, it will send the client this notification.
45. Job Charged Client Notification
When a client is charged for a shift job, they will get this email template. It is a great idea to send them a breakdown of what they were charged after a shift job.
46. Job Charge Failed Client Notification
If a client's payment fails and they are not charged a shift job, this is the email they will get.
47. Job Charged Client Notification
After a shift job and the client is charged, this is an email template that can be sent to a candidate. You can just have the candidate rate appear and the total amount the candidate was paid.
48. Job Cancel Charged Client Notification
If you have cancellation policy set up to charge a client if a shift job was cancelled, this would be the email template they get.
49. Job Charged Candidate Notification.
If a client cancels a shift job and there is a fee that is going towards the candidate, and the client gets charged, this email would go to candidates. It could've a good idea to inform them the job was canceled but they are still getting paid X amount.
50. Job Assigned to Other Candidate Application Notification
For shift jobs, we have a setting to inform candidates who are marked interested in a shift job that another candidate was assigned. This is the email template for that setting.
51. Placement Job Application Interested Client Notification
If a candidate marks interested in a shift job and the setting is turned on to have clients get an email, this would be the email template
52. Shift Job Declined Admin Notification
If a candidate declines a shift job, this is the email that is sent to Admin. The setting must be turned on to allow candidates to accept or decline.