Shift Jobs

How to add an option for candidates to submit a shift job report

How to add an option for candidates to submit a shift job report. This report can be shared with clients giving them an overview of everything that happened during the shift.

Step 1:
Go to any candidates profile. Even though we are going to a candidates profile, the setting is global and will apply to the whole system

Step 2:
Once you get to a candidates profile, go to My Jobs. Or if you have renamed it, it is the tab the candidates see their assigned shifts

Step 3:
Click the gear icon on the table

Step 4:
Click on Job Reports
Then select Candidates can submit shift job reports

From there you can:
Adjust what types of candidates can submit shift jobs
Which shift job booking category the job needs to be for a shift job report
Make it admin only
Making it mandatory before clock out
If you want to allow candidates to see their shift job
If you want candidates working for that same client to see reports submitted by other candidates
Change the word of Shift Job Report
Which admin get notified of a shift job report
Update status of shift job when submitted.