Go Live Launch Checklist

Use the Go Live Launch Checklist to determine if you are ready to go live. Let it guide you on what to look at, approve, and go over with a fine toothed comb to make sure your clients and candidate get your vision on how to provide for them.

1. From Mission Control, at the lower right of your screen, select the Learning Check List


The Learning Checklist is always at the lower right hand side of your window. It is directly between the Guided Tour of the platform, and the Learning Center. 


2. Select the Go Live Launch Checklist.  


3. Select the Flows, in which ever order you like, and check off the tasks as you do them or when you check them over for a list time before you launch. 

Check a box when you've completed an item to your satisfaction or Uncheck A Box and continue working on that area. 

4. Notice the progress bar at the top to help you know how much you have done and how much you have yet to do.