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How To Get Gift Cards On Your Website and Start Making More Money In 10 Minutes
In the dynamic world of in person and online business, finding innovative ways to boost revenue is crucial. One often overlooked yet powerful strategy is to sell gift cards.
If you're using Enginehire, you're in luck – this platform allows you to create virtual gift cards and easily sell them on your platform to existing clients through their dashboards.
In just 10 minutes, you can open new doors to increased revenue and customer engagement.
Why Gift Cards? Gift cards are not just for big retailers – they can be a game-changer for your agency too. Here's why:
Customer Promotion:
- Existing clients who already appreciate your services can now gift your offerings to their friends and family, or themselves if you're offering a deal.
- Then, leverage the goodwill you've built with satisfied customers to attract new ones.
Versatile In Service:
- People may love one part of your business and while they might not branch out, a gift card can help to ease them into a new service.
- Money Up Front
- A gift card is a promise, not just that you will deliver on a service yet to be rendered but that you clients will come again.
Getting Started in 10 Minutes:
Sign in to Enginehire:
- Sign in to your Enginehire account. Navigate to the dashboard where you'll find the gift card selling feature.
2. Add the Gift Card information, a Name and Description.
3. Add the Value or leave the Value field blank, in which case the person buying can purchase a gift card for any amount they choose.
Embed The Gift Card Board
Embedding the Gift Card Board into a website works with any website builder, it's the same as embedding a job board or application forms into your website. If you have someone who manages your website they will know what to do with it, and if not we can help! Just make sure to put in your own gift card URL
<div style="overflow:auto;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch"> <script src="https://agency.enginehire.io/src/assets/js/embedded_script.js"></script> <iframe style="border: none; min-height: 1000px;" id="enginehire-iframe" src="https://nanana.enginehire.io/D9RaEJYoE6gxp65d/gift-cards" width="100%" height="5000"></iframe> </div>
Example: https://nanana.enginehire.io/D9RaEJYoE6gxp65d/gift-cards
Example: https://YOURAGENCYNAME.enginehire.io/D9RaEJYoE6gxp65d/gift-cards
(the D9RaEJYoE6gxp65d/gift-cards part of the URL must also be replaced)
Just make sure to put in your own gift card URL