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How To Get A Job Board On Your Website And Get More Applicants In 15 Minutes

A visible job board can sway a potential candidate to apply if they see a position they are interested in oppose to applying and hoping you have a position.


A visible job board can excite and entice potential candidates and potential clients.  

A potential candidate can see the amount of jobs and the quality of jobs, with all of their details to push them across the finish line and get them to apply. 

Potential clients can use your job board as a hall of trophies to see the history of your past placements, gauging your past filled positions with their own, identifying that if you were able to successfully fill that challenging position that you much be capable of finding the correct candidate for your needs. 

Let's Put It Into Action.

1. Grab your job board. 

Select either Placement Jobs or Shift Jobs

Select View Job Board

From the search bar copy the URL of the job board. 

From the search bar copy the URL of the job board. Yours will be different than the example below. https://nanana.enginehire.io/108/jobs is just an example. 

Screen Shot 2024-01-16 at 2.45.45 PM


Embed Code:
<div style="overflow:auto;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch"> <script src="https://agency.enginehire.io/src/assets/js/embedded_script.js"></script> <iframe style="border: none; min-height: 1000px;" id="enginehire-iframe" src="JOBBOARDURL" width="100%" height="10000"></iframe> </div>



Example JOBBOARDURL  to nanana.enginehire.io/108/jobs

Example in the code. 

<div style="overflow:auto;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch"> <script src="https://agency.enginehire.io/src/assets/js/embedded_script.js"></script> <iframe style="border: none; min-height: 1000px;" id="enginehire-iframe" src="https://nanana.enginehire.io/108/jobs" width="100%" height="10000"></iframe> </div>

Add the code with the URL from your job board and embed it into your website. 

Open Your Website Builder

Well known website builders include Wix, Squarespace, Wordpress, and many more. 

Add this Embed code to the best page to display your job board.