Embed Job Board on Website

Use this code to embed the job board on your website.

1. From Mission Control select Placement Jobs.

2. Select View Job Board.

Screen Shot 2023-12-28 at 4.23.29 PM

3. Select the URL of the Job Board.

Screen Shot 2023-12-28 at 4.23.48 PM

The URL in the image above is an example.


4. On your agency's website, on the correct page add the following code with your application URL in place of JOBBOARDURL

<div style="overflow:auto;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch"> <script src="https://agency.enginehire.io/src/assets/js/embedded_script.js"></script> <iframe style="border: none; min-height: 1000px;" id="enginehire-iframe" src="JOBBOARDURL" width="100%" height="10000"></iframe> </div>


Be certain to include the quotation marks on both sides of the job board URL.

7. Save the work on your website.

Now It's Your Turn... If You Choose.

With your own agency website open the job board you'd like to add to your website, copy the URL, add it to the code, and place the code in your desired website page. 



Embed A Job Board on Squarespace

Embed A Job Board on Wordpress