Profile Builder

All Field Types Explained

When it comes to creating questions and answers for forms, surveys, or applications, the variety of field types available allows for maximum flexibility and customization.

By choosing the right field types, you can structure your questions to capture the information you need in the way that works best for your specific purpose.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to see every field in action on a form you can interact with. 


Here's an overview of the variety and their uses:

Text Box 

When adding a text box, this will allow a single line of text.

This is best used for a one word answer that you can't already quantify, like a name. 

In the Form


Text Area

When adding a text area, it allows for a paragraph or multiple lines of text. 

In the builder


In the Form



Adding radio icon allows you to add a list of options for the applicant to choose from but they can only choose 1. 

In the builder


In the Form



Checkbox Item (Single Checkbox)

Choosing the Checkbox Single button only allows the applicant to view and select 1 option. 

In the builder

Example: This is typically used for "I agree" statements 

In the Form



Checkbox Group

List multiple options, allowing the applicant to select more than 1 option.

In the builder


In the Form




Drop down option will allow you to list options for the application.  The user will be able to select 1 options from the drop down. 

In the builder


In the Form



Section Title

This allows you to create a section title for the application in any area.

In the builder


In the Form


Secondary Title 

This is a smaller title that will allow you to define what you want the user to do.  

In the builder


In the Form


Date Picker

This box will open a tiny calendar when you applicant select it to assist them in selecting a date.  

Example: Use this when asking for any information that a date is needed, like a Start Date. 

In the builder


In the form

Multi Select

Multi Select works similar to a drop down. 

In the Builder


In the form



This option allows your user to upload a file of any type. 

This can be used to gather documents, a profile picture, resume, and more. 

In the form


The HTML section has many uses and can allow you to utilize code should there be something you'd like to embed, it can be used a way to simply type and share information, add a photo, and so much more. 

In the builder


In the form

Checkbox Icon

Checkbox Icon allows you to show images of options which is great when when you want to share option of services or give someone a glimpse of what something might look like as they choose. 

Use List Icon URL to share the URL of an image, which means the images must be hosted somewhere like a Google Upload or upload your image into your Resource Library and utilize the url it creates for that. 

In the builder

In the form

Salary Range

Ask your clients how much they are willing to budget or your candidates how much they are hoping to make. This simple field creates are power section in your form. 

In the builder

In the form

Multi Date Picker

This is most often used in a booking section to allow clients to select specific days for their service. 

In the builder:

In the form:

Time Picker

This option allows someone to select a time, which is helpful when selecting a start time, end time, or when someone is available. 

In the builder:

In the form:

Date Time Picker

The Date Time Picker is a combination of the year, month, day, and time.  This is most commonly used to have a client select a date for a service and the time it must be done.  

In the builder:


In the form:

Month Picker

Have a user simply select a year and month. This field is a great option when inquiring about someone's past employment history.

In the builder:


In the form:

Year Picker

Allow your users to select a year. 

In the builder:

In the form:

Time Availability

Time Availability is most commonly used to when asking a client what days of the week they need assistance and when asking candidates when they are available. 

List the days of the week you want people to choose from when adding the field to your sections.

In the builder:


In the form:

List Files

Use this field to cut down on multiple places to add files and to allow clients or candidate the option to add multiple relevant pages of a document or multiple documents in one place. 

In the builder


In the form:


Replace an existing label with one of your own creation. This will make sure that your label matches the rest of your form. 

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In the form:

List Items

Use this filed to add a list of unclickable items. This is best used for sharing bullet points of a service.  

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In the form:

Rating Group

Use this field to allow people to share a preference or rate items. 

In the builder:

In the form:

Radio Table

Use the table to allow people to chose a single rating per option.  

In the builder:

In the form:

Checkbox Table

Use the table to allow people to chose a multiple rating per option. 

In the builder:

In the form.

Language Input

Set languages for users to select from and allow them to add an additional language. 


Use this to distinguish areas of a sections. 


Rich Text Editor

This area can allow a client or candidate to write in an area with the full availability of  fonts, text size, alignment, embed code, hyperlink, and more.


Sign Document

Open up a document to allow for it to be signed.

This is best when you want a document to appear in an application, so someone signs before they submit. 


File with Additional Information

Allow numerous files to be uploaded in one spot. 

This makes the uploading easy, containing it in one place. But it is best used for allowing a 'like' document or continuations to a single field. 


List Textbox



List Text Field

Similar to a radio or checkbox, this field allows users to easily add options for them to select. 

This area is great when sharing specific services someone needs because you can list the most common and allow the client to add more. 

Checkbox Condition




Product Selection

The product selection makes it easy for you to sell goods and services in a section without using the product shop. 

This is best when you want to highlight a single option. 



Credit Package Condition

Use this to add a section for clients to select their credit options. 


Monthly Credit Package

Similar to the credit option about, this is for monthly packages. 


Stripe Subscription Selection

Allow clients to select a subscription that is based in Stripe. 

This can be used for reoccurring services that do no require scheduling. 



Add a 5 start rating. 

Use this in the reviews at the end of shifts or at the end of a placement to see how well you did. 


HTML Selection



Display Value by Expression



Display Duration Between Dates





Add this field directly into an application or a profile as it's own section. 

Take payments, collect payment information, and determine when you want it to charge in this field's Additional Properties. 

Auto Log



Placement Job Selection


Video Recorder

Create a great introduction for client, or candidate and the video recorder into your application or profile. 

This is a great way for clients and candidates to get a glimpse of each other before they meet. 


Returning Applicant Button

Allow those that have started an application to return and finish. 

Adding this will put a button at the top of the application where they will be asked to add their email address, they will get a code to verify it is them, and then the application will populate with everything they have already filled in and they can continue without starting over. 



The signature is a special text box to allow someone to sign a document, where the signature is logged. 

Use then when you are wanting to someone to verify they have read a page or agree to something without opening an entire document. 

Try the form and test every field yourself.