Shift Jobs

Understanding Booking Credits & Cash Credits

This article goes over how to use booking credits and what they are


What are booking credits?
Booking credits are used to pay for booking fees. Or you can have them be used to cover each hour of the booking.

If used for booking fee: Example, if a client has one booking credit, they can apply it when submitting a booking, covering the booking fee entirely.
If used to cover each hour. Example: If a client has 8 booking credits, and they submit a booking that is 3 hours. The system will subtract the 3 credits from the 8 hours. Leaving them 5 credits remaining.

What is a cash credit?
Cash credits function similarly to booking credits but represent a monetary value. These credits can be applied toward booking fees. For instance, a client has $50 in cash credits, they can use $20 to pay a $20 booking fee, leaving them with a $30 cash credit balance.

Can credits be used with memberships?
Yes, credits can be integrated with memberships. You can offer clients a membership plan that includes a certain number of credits as part of the package.

If credits are used with memberships, will they renew each month?
If the membership is set up as a monthly subscription, credits can automatically renew each month based on your configuration.

When do credits renew if on a monthly renewal?
They renew based on the day the client signs up, not the first of the month. Example if a client signs up on November 12th, their membership will renew the 12th of each month.

Can you refund them a credit if the shift job is canceled?

Yes! Here is how you can refund them a credit if it is canceled.

Is there an option for clients to purchase credits?
Yes, clients can purchase credits through packages. Using the package manager, you can offer clients a package for a specified price that provides a set number of credits.

Can clients see how many bookings they have left?
Clients will be able to see how many booking credits they have left on their booking calendar.

To get to the settings for credits

Step 1: On your menu dashboard, select MORE -> GLOBAL SETTINGS

Step 2:

Here are the main credit settings. Once you select which type of booking you want, either booking or cash credit. More settings will appear


If you decide to go with booking credits, select USE BOOKING CREDIT

Once you have USE BOOKING CREDIT turned on, additional settings appear

What each setting means:

  • Use Monthly Recurring Booking Credit: This setting allows booking credits to automatically renew every month.

  • Charge Recurring Booking Credit on Assigning Job: Check this option if you want credits to be deducted only when a candidate is assigned to a job. Leave it unchecked to deduct credits when a client submits a shift job.

  • Use Booking Credit Hours (1 Credit = 1 Hour): By default, booking credits cover the cost of booking fees. Turn on this setting if you want credits to apply to each hour booked instead.

  • Allow Unused Monthly Credits to Roll Over: Enable this setting to allow unused credits to carry over to the following month. If disabled, credits will expire when the account renews.

  • Require Credits for Booking: Turn this on to restrict clients from making bookings unless they have sufficient credits. If disabled, clients can still submit bookings without credits but will be charged the applicable booking fees. For example, if a client has no credits and submits a booking with a $20 booking fee, they will be charged $20.


Cash Credits

To use Cash credits, turn on USE CASH CREDITS

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