Send And Create An Email Template To Share A Candidate To A Client.

1. From Mission Control select Templates

2. Select Email Templates.

3. Select Add Template and give it a name. 
Example: Share Candidate Profile with Client.

4. Select the Audience as Client, because this email will be going to a client. 

5. Select the Trigger as Assigned Candidate

6. Select the Relationship Status of a candidate and a client. 

Example: Candidate Interested.

Relationship statues are those that occur between a client and a candidate when a job is created. These are not related to any other type of status. 

7. Selecting the Trigger Assigned Candidate with automatically populate the default email Enginehire has created for you, so you can alert a client without having to have created this template. 
8. Adjust the template as needed. 

9. Select any additional settings for this email from below the area to write the body of this email. 

10. Select Create. 

Now when a candidate is at your select Relationship Status this email will be sent out to your client.