
View, Edit, And Create Email Templates

Template can save valuable time and end the process of writing the same information over and over. Create templates for any situation, event, or information. Remember templates can be adjusted to fit a particular case.

The following video is from a previous interface but the information is still accurate.


1. From the top navigation, select More → Templates

2. Select Email Templates

3. Select an Email to customize or select Add Template.

4. On the right side of the screen view the selections:

  • Mail Icon: To send this email (most often used to test an email.)
  • Pencil Icon: To customize this template.
  • Trash Bin: To delete.
  • Downward Arrow: To Download. 

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5. Each template allows every control to be customized and adjusted including:

  • Trigger
  • Locations of clients and candidates
  • Types
  • Language 
  • Who receives the Reply
  • And many more! 

6. Below is a list of universal tags for emails.

  • Use [[id]] for user id.
  • Use [[hash_id]] for user hash id.
    • This is an encrypted id for security purposes in any public facing links.
  • Use [[fname]] for first name.
  • Use [[my_candidates_shareable_link]] for shareable link for "My Candidates" section.
  • Use [[scheduling_link]] for scheduling link.
  • Use [[public_payment_link]] for user's public payment link.

Now It's Your Turn.  

Create a new email template. Click Save. Then go back in and adjust the settings. 

Certain Settings are unlocked depending on the type of email and trigger selected. 

If you have created a test profile with your own email address, you can see how the status change email notification is when it is send.