
View Email Log

Checking the communications of Clients and Candidates can be crucial when you need to see if an email has been correctly sent to a user.

Logs can be viewed individually for Clients and Candidates or checked as whole to see every communication that has been sent out by the agency.

How to View Email Logs for Clients and Candidates Individually

1. From the top navigation bar select either Clients or Candidates (depending on the users communication that needs to be checked). 

2. Select the User

3. Select Email/SMS Log to view the Communications that have been sent.  Note, if you are using the App, Push notifications will also show here.

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Open will appear on the right side of the screen for emails that have been read by users. 

Delivered will appear for emails that have been correctly sent but are currently unread. 

Bounced will appear for emails that never made it to their destination. 


How to View Email Logs for Every Communication Sent by the Agency. 

1. From top navigation bar, select More → Records → All Logs

2. Select Email/SMS/Push Notification Logs

3. In the pop-up, select the Communication Channel you wish to view: 
EmailSMSPush Log

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4. View every email that has been sent by the agency. 

Open will appear on the right side of the screen for emails that have been read by users. 

Delivered will appear for emails that have been correctly sent but are currently unread. 

Bounced will appear for emails that never made it to their destination. 


Now It's Your Turn.

Select a candidate, select Email/SMS log, and see if they have received or opened the emails that have been sent to them. 

Now, Go to Logs. Select Email/SMS/Push Notification Logs, Choose Email and see every email that has been sent.