Application Forms

Understanding additional properties for fields in the form builder

Additional properties appear when you add a new question to a section or adding a section to a profile/application

Additional properies have controls such as show conditions, making private, admin only, field remark, placement holders, and more for questions and/or sections.

If a question or section is already added and you want to adjust the additional properties, here is how to get to the setting. 

To get to the additional properties:

Option 1: If the question appears in their profile

Within a profile of a candidate or client, depending on the question, you need to adjust. click the gear icon of the section that has the question you want to adjust.

Option 2: If a question or section is on the application

1. Go to the application, remain logged in as an admin and edit application from settings at the top of the form

2. If you want to adjust the section properties, expand the section

If you want to get to the questions, click edit section builder

Now that you have reached the setting for additional properties, here is a review about each one.

1. Show Condition:
This allows you go have the question appear based off one question the candidate or client has answered. Here is an article reviewing in more detail.

2. Advance Show Condition:
This is similar to show condition but adds an extra layer, where you can select if the response is empty, not empty, the answer is a certain response or not a certain response. 

3. Secondary Show Condition:
This allows you to add an extra layer from show condition. Where they have to meet the first show condition and the secondary show condition. Example, if the show condition is saying yes to being able to travel, the secondary show condition is they selected Yes to being able to drive, they would have to meet both of those requirements to have that question appear.

4. Third Show Condition
This is the same as the secondary show condition as mention above, but adding a third layer.

5. Combine Show Condition
This allows you to add condition groups to select multiple questions at once if they meet each one or you can select OR to have them select either response. Here is an article going combined show conditions more in detail.

6. Is Admin Only
If you select this the question will be admin only and not visible to the candidate or client, and also not visible if you share their profile.

7. Is Private
This is related to when you share their profile. You can select Is Private and it won't appear when you share their profile. However, you can have it appear based on a relationship status or assigned candidate. Select from the drop down of relationship statuses and that question will appear at that relationship status or select visible to assigned and it will appear if they are assigned to the client. 

8.  Not Required in Application
This is a great option if you want a question to be optional on the application but required in their profile. It allows them to answer if they have the time or can answer the question in the moment but making sure you obtain the answer later on in their profile.

9. Not on Application but in Profile
If you want a question in a section hidden from the application and only appear in their profile, you would select this. It allows you to keep it in that section and have them answer in their profile. 

10. Hide in User Profile Section
This is when you have it visible on the application but you want it hidden in their profile. It will still remain visible to admin.

11. Field Remark
If selected you can add a note that will appear below the question. 

12.  Hide Label When View Profile
When you share the profile, this will hide the label of the question and only show their answer to the question.

13.  Hide Field Remark in View Screen
When you share the profile, this option will hide the field remark. This is a great option if you want it to only be for candidate and client when they are in their profile but have it hidden when you share their profile. 

14. Field Remark (admin only)
This will allow  you to add a field remark but have it only be admin only

15.  Hide Field Remark (Admin Only) When in View Screen
This will hide the admin only field remark when you share the profile. 

16. Exlude from Summary Email
If you have the setting turned on for a candidate or client to get a summary email when they submit their application. This option will hide the question from the summary.

17. Default Value
If you want the option to be pre-selected for the candidate or client on this question, you can select this, and the answer will be pre-selected. Example if you want the state to be preselected for them, but it sill still allow them to be able to edit if needed.

18.  Is Integer Field
This is if you need their response to be a number. Example if you ask them what their rate is and only want them to put in a number, you would select this option. 

19. Has Confirmation Field
This is a great option for them to confirm their email address. You would add the email address field, select this properties and it will make them enter it in again to make sure it is correct. 

20. Is a Phone Number
If you have already used the phone field, you can select this and the system will recognize it is a phone number and you will be able to click on it to call. 

21. Field is also a URL Link
This will make the field clickable. 

WITHIN THE BOOKING SECTION has these extra properties
1. Show in Candidate View
This will allow the field from the booking section to be visible if not logged in when the candidate views the link to the shift job. 

2. Show in Logged-In Candidate View
This will show the question if the candidate is logged in when viewing the shift job through the link to the shift job. 

3. Show in Assignee View
If you want them to view the question when they are assigned to the shift job, this option will allow them to be able to see it when assigned. 

1. Exclude Children Question
If you do not want the children question to appear in the booking section, select this. By default the children question appears.

2. Exclude Address Question
The address question appears by default. If you do not want them to answer the address question, select this. 

3. For Recurring Request Select All Days
If they pick to have the booking request be recurring, it will select all the days by default.

4. Exclude Repeat Booking
By default the question to allow them to select that this request is recurring, this option will hide it.

5. Has Number of Candidate Question
If you want them to be able to select how many candidates they need for the shift job, add this property. 

6. Hide Additional Dates Question
By default the question appears on the booking section to allow them to select additional dates they need the service. To hide this, select this property. 

7. Not Allowed to Book Within X Hours
You can prevent clients from being able to submit a new request within X hours. Once you select this, you will be prompted to select the number of hours they can't booking within. If they try, they will get an error message. Which you can adjust if you select this property. 

IF USING HTML FIELD, there are additional properties

1. Show in Edit Profile Dialog
This will allow the HTML Appear when they click to edit the section.

2. Show in User Profile Section
This will allow the HTML Appear in their profile without having to click the pencil icon to edit. 

These are additional properties that are not for questions but for the entire section.

1. Hide Section Title
When you add a section to the application, by default the label will appear. You can select this option to hide it. 

2. Collapse section by default
This is great for when in a profile, you can have the question be collapsed by default and they can expand the section when needed. 

3. Is Admin Only Section
This will make the whole section Admin Only

4. Only Show in Admin Panel
If you want the section to not appear on the profile tab but you want it to appear in the Admin Tab of a profile, you can select this.

5. Only Show in Interview Panel
This is a great option for having questions appear on the interview/intake notes tab of a profile instead of the profile tab. Here is an article with more helpful information

6. Show Public Form Link
If you turn this on, there will be a link below the section, that is admin only. It will allow you to copy the link, send it to the candidate or client and allow them to complete that section. Additional information here. 

7. Show Download Reference Check File
This will allow you to download the reference check file