Remove content from an email template if the plug in tag is blank

If you are using the square bracket tags to plug variable information into email templates, and you don't want them to show up if the content is blank, you can wrap them in special brackets to hide if blank!

Let's say you have something in an email template along the lines of 

Notes: [[text3]]

This is maybe a field in a client profile or booking form for notes, but the notes are optional so there isn't always something filled in there. It can look a little funny in the email if it just comes through as 


with nothing after it!

What you can do is wrap the entire text in triple brackets ((( ))), something like

(((Notes: [[text3]])))

What this does is it checks if the tag inside the brackets (in this case text3) is blank, and if it is it excludes the entirety from the final email!