Edit Profile Visibility for Clients and Candidates.

Allow clients and candidates access to select areas of a profile depending on their status and how to control the visible options of what those viewing someone else's profile can see.

Eye Icon

The icon of an eye means someone who is not the owner of this profile (the user, client or candidate that filled it out) viewing this profile can see the response and information. 

Selecting the Eye Icon will add a slash through the Eye Icon to show that it is not viewable by a third party but still viewable by an admin and the owner. 

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Visibility By Status

Allow clients or candidates access to certain section depending on their status. 

It is possible to have one profile for clients and one profile for candidates, each build with conditions that allow them to see what they need depending on the services or types they select in the application process.

Example: Clients that select On Call Shift services, do not have to see the options or sections that apply only to Placement services. 

This is done using conditions. 

1. From Mission Control select Builders

2. Select Application and Profile Builder

3. Select the Gear Icon to open settings. 

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5. Adjust the setting for that section, including at what status this area is revealed and when a user can no longer edit that status, and more. 

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Visibility By Conditions

Show Conditions create pathways for what areas, questions, and settings clients and candidates have by selecting answers to a question. 

 Example: For the question below, if the user selects Yes, a new question is added with more options as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 1

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Fig.2Screen Shot 2024-02-21 at 8.28.41 AM

This can be used to direct users into specific types.