
Shift Job Assigned To Other Candidate Applicant Email Notification

This is a setting that can be turned on and off. If it is turned on, there is a default email attached to it. You can over-ride this default email, by quickly creating a new email template!

Some agencies like for their candidates to be aware that the job has been assigned to another candidate.

3 easy steps to turn the setting on/off!

1. More - Global Settings - Jobs - Candidate Side - Notifications

2. Click on 'notify all other applicants when another candidate is assigned to the job' to turn on. Keep it unchecked if you don't want other applicants to know.




If you do want to notify other applicants that the job has been allocated to someone else, there is a default template set up. To override it, you need to create a new one!


1. More - Templates - Email Templates

2. Create New Email Template 

Audience = Job

Trigger = Jobh Assigned to Other Candidate Applicant Notification

3. Select create to finish the email template. Now this one will override the default one. 


Make sure to check there isn't a template already existing with this trigger in your templates before you do make a new one!