How To Send An Email Blast

Sending an email blast/bulk/mass email to candidates or clients is a fantastic way to alert many users at once.



1. From Mission Control select Others

2. Select Email/SMS/Push Notifications Blaster.

3. Select a blast for candidates or clients.

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There are two more options to add in to the processes of select a Mailing List or a Repeat Email Blaster but following the next steps will apply whether they are selected or not. 

4. If not selecting Mailing List or Repeat Email Blaster, select the Checkboxes next to each user who is to receive the blast. 

Use filters to narrow down the candidate options to find the correct users easier. 

5. Select to Load a Template or continue to write an email. 

6. Select Send Blast and the emails are sent. 

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This is the same process for creating SMS or Push Notification Blasts. 

Now It's Your Turn.

Navigate to Others, then Email Blaster to select clients or candidate to create a blast.