How to prevent users from deleting their accounts directly.

This is a quick way to show you how to disable the option for users to delete their accounts directly and instead request account deletion by the admin.

The current behavior is that a user can go to their profile on the mobile app, and find the 'delete account' button. 

Once pressed, the user will see the following page on which they will be a confirmation button:


Once the user presses the button a popup will appear asking them to confirm their account deletion.


And immediately after, the user will receive confirmation of their account being deleted.


We can not hide the 'Delete account' option; as it is something that the app stores require. However, with the setting "Don't allow users to delete their accounts directly," users won't be able to delete their accounts directly but instead request the deletion. Only admins can delete user accounts with this setting on.


To enable that setting, go to your dashboard mission control, More, Settings and then Global Settings.


Go to Dashboard, then Admin View Settings.


Scroll down until you find the option "Don't allow users to delete their accounts directly". 

Enable this option and save.


Then when a user presses the 'Delete account' button, they will be redirected to fill an account deletion form.