How Candidates Can Clock In And Clock Out Themselves And Optionally, How To Allow Clients To Verify The Times

Allow Candidates to clock in and themselves.

1. From Mission Control select Candidates. 

2. Select Any Candidate

This will change the settings globally for any candidates. 

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3. Select Profile

4. Select My Jobs.

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5. Select the Gear Icon on the table that shows shift job information.

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6. Scroll down and select the check box for Candidates manually clock in and out of jobs.

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7. Select Update

OPTIONALLY allow clients to confirm candidate clock in and out from the candidate's phone with an optional signature. 

1. Continue to scroll down from the previous table settings and select the check box for Client can confirm clock in/out on the candidate's phone. 

2. To add a signature option for the client to sign to confirm the clock in/out select the check box for Client confirms using signature drawing pad. 

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3. Select Update