Client & Candidate

Get notified when a section has been updated or completed by a candidate or client

You can set it up to where admin can be notified if a candidate or client update or complete a section

Step 1:
Go to a candidate or clients profile. Even though we are going to a profile the setting will be global and apply to everyone. 

Step 2:
Go to the section you want to be notified about and select the gear icon

Step 3:
Select Edit Settings

Step 4:
Select Notifications

Step 5:
Select YES to send submission notification emails
Then add the emails you want to get notified. You can adjust it if you only want it admin to get it if based on their location or type

If you want it to only send if the section is updated, check off the first box. 
If you want it to not send if it was updated by admin check off the second box

Step 7:
Click Save when done

If you want to do this for more than one section, you will need to do it for each section.