Connect to Yardstick Integration

Screen, background check, and then some right in your candidate profiles and stop logging into multiple platforms. Yardstik brings better Trust & Safety tools, workflows, and expertise to quickly screen, verify, and hire people at scale.

1. Login to Yardstik.

2. From home select Developer Tools. 

3. Select API Keys.

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4. Name your API Key

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The name is only for you to distinguish you Yarkstik integrations from one another. 
Example: Enginehire


5. In Your Enginehire Mission Control select Settings

6. Select Global Settings

7. Select Integration

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8. Select Yardstik

9. Enter the API Key created in Yardstik. 

10. Select Submit

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12. Select Submit. 

13. An email will be sent to you once the  report is ready. 

This is an integration to better help you use your Yardstik account through your Enginehire dashboard by allowing orders for specific candidates to commence directly through Enginehire.