
Broadcast a Shift Job

The Fastest Way To Alert Candidates Of A Shift Position Is Broadcasting Through The Shift Job.


1. From the Shift Job Calendar, select a shift position. 

2. The Shift Job information will popup. 

3. Select Broadcast and broadcast options will appear. 

4. Optional settings for this broadcast. 

  • Hide Candidates: Already Booked, Who Have Time Off, Who Are Not Available, Who's Tag Do Not Match, Who Are On Do Not Match List. 
  • Filter with the Advanced Search by Status, Location, Types, etc. 

5. Select the candidates for the broadcast 1 by 1 or select the checkbox in the table to select every matching candidate

6. View and adjust the broadcast and select Broadcast Email to share the email or Broadcast SMS (text) to share the shift job to candidates through SMS. 

Now It's Your Turn.  Try it out. 

Go to your Shift Job Calendar,

Select a test Shift Job,

And go through the steps of Broadcasting it.  

Click every button and fill in every field to familiarize yourself with these settings and option.


Broadcasting jobs and using the Blaster always allows for mass messaging to be sent via Email or SMS.

Contact Enginehire to set up SMS.