agency settings

Add A New Location

Add a new location to your dashboard and to applications.


Add A Location

1. From DAshboard select More

2. Select Global Settings

3. Select Agency Details

4. Select Other Settings.

5. Select Business Details 

6. Add your location names to the questions field Does your agency serve multiple distinct locations and would you like to divide the system by location? If so, please enter your different locations.

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6. Select the Floppy Disk Icon or Update Settings


Place Locations In Your Application

By default, locations will appear at the very top of your application, but this can be adjusted. 

1. From Mission Control select More

2. Select Applications and Profile Builder, beneath Builders.

3. Select the Gear Icon of the Application You'd like to adjust.

4. Select to Exclude Locations. This will allow you to move it from the top of your application.

5. From the Applications and Profile Builder select to add a section. 

6. Create section as showing in the following image. 

7. Add the section to your profile in the area you'd like it to show.